Terri Chapman/Owner/Broker & her team, worked very hard, to sell, my home. They, had many obstacles, from the start! I was on, a very tight budget & my home, went up for sale, around Thanksgiving & then all the holidays, that followed. Plus! CA. was having, big huge storms, daily, which kept ppl away! Once, the holidays & bad weather cleared, Terri Chapman & her team, got over 35 showings & my home, sold! She, not only helped sell my home, she also worked hard, to keep me on budget & also stayed, in close contact, w/
A.B. Priceman, realtor in Fort Bragg, CA. Terri's team, had to work extra hard, bc I was buying, on a contingency basis. The seller, was very firm & wasn't, giving me too much time, to sell my home. Idk, how her team & the realtor, in Fort Bragg, CA talked, to the owner & convinced him, to extend his offer, 5x!! BC, of everybody's hard work & dedication, I will be living my best life, near the ocean, at 60 w/ my daughter, who is disabled. It is truly, a dream, come true! My daughter, will have a better, healthier life & is so excited, to be there! That alone, is worth a sack, of Gold. It, has been my dream, since I was, 3 yrs old, to live at the beach! Terri, went above & beyond, to come on her day off, w/ her husband, to help me, get rid of any debris & junk! She, also dropped off car loads, of moving boxes! She, always offered me, a lot of help, bc she knew I was very overwhelmed & I had nobody, to help! I was packing, my home alone! I am very independent & it is hard for me, to ask for help! But, I learned through this journey, u can't always do it, all alone! It is OK, to ask for help & let them know, your feeling, overwhelmed! They're, awesome & just want, to help! They, do everything possible, for their clients to make you, happy & help you, reach your goals! I cannot, thank Terri Chapman/Broker & her team, enough &
A.B. Priceman, a realtor in Fort Bragg, CA for never, ever, giving up on me & encouraging me, when it got, rough! If, you think, your dream is impossible, or your on a tight budget & can't do it, please call Terri Chapman/Broker ASAP! BC, if anybody can help, you make your dreams, come true, it's Terri & she will also, give you suggestions, on how, to reach your goals! You, have nothing to lose & everything, to gain. The, consultation is free!! I always thought, I had to win the lottery, to live at the beach! Not true! If I can do it, anybody can! I am not rich financially, by any means, but much richer, in the friendships, I made during, my journey.
Thank you again!